The 1718 Society

If you have ever been to a service at St. Michael’s, walked onto our beautiful campus, or admired the beautiful stained-glass windows, you have enjoyed the gifts given by countless people and multiple generations. Some are given by people you may have known, others were given by people who lived long ago. One need only sit in our sanctuary for a moment or two and reflect on the generosity surrounding us and the gifts given to us by past generations for us to realize that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses that not only spans generations but their witness and generosity continues to be formative in our lives today.

What is often missed, when we speak of past generations, however, is that we are the foundational generation for future parishioners. Those parishioners, those who are currently too young to speak and those who will not be born for years to come, will be looking for us to provide a foundation upon which their ministry successes can be built.

The 1718 Society was formed in 2021 by the Vestry to recognize and honor those who have made estate or planned gifts to benefit St. Michael’s Church. The gifts can be made directly to the Church or designated for St. Michael’s Endowment Fund. 

Questions you might be asking:

Why should I make a planned gift? 

Yes, we make an annual pledge to the Church to cover operations and the annual budget. But that money does not cover all the expenses. It does not leave a reserve to keep a campus as old as ours in top condition. It does not leave funds for projects that inspire new leadership.

Why doesn’t the annual budget cover all our costs? 

Sometimes there are short term crises on the campus like a broken-down boiler or roof damage from a heavy storm. The safety net is not that deep. A portion of the earnings of the St. Michael’s Endowment fund is now budgeted into our church operations. Growing St. Michael’s Endowment through planned gifts is very important.

I’m not wealthy enough to make this kind of gift! 

We encourage all levels of planned gifts. There is no requirement for the size of a gift. It is the practice of making this gift that gives promise to the future of this Church.

How do I make a planned gift? 

Many people have chosen to leave the Church a portion of their estate in their will. With the assistance of your legal advisor, you can establish a bequest by will, to be directed to St. Michael’s. If you have already prepared a will, your legal advisor can help you add a codicil to include St. Michael’s. 

In lieu of a bequest in your will, there are other very simple ways to accomplish a planned gift, such as naming St. Michael’s as the beneficiary of an IRA account or an insurance policy. Of course, each individual situation is unique. Please consult your legal or estate planning advisor before making any changes to your estate plan.


The St. Michael’s Endowment Fund was established to provide ways to enable St. Michael’s Church to strengthen its mission, ministries and properties beyond what is possible through your generous annual support. If you would like to make a gift to the Church which will be invested, preserved and used for the long-term benefit of St. Michael’s for missional, building, property and maintenance needs, you can designate your gift for St. Michael’s Endowment Fund. Approximately four percent of the fund’s average annual market value over the past three years will be distributed to the church for its general operating budget.

We welcome you to join us as a member of The 1718 Society!

If you have already made a planned gift of any size to benefit St. Michael’s, we welcome the opportunity to include you as a member of the 1718 Society. Please notify Betty Vargas, so that we may include you. A simple, confidential reply form offers a convenient way to record your planned gift for church records.

If you have not yet made a planned gift for the benefit of St. Michael’s but are ready to explore the ways you can make a planned gift, please contact The Rev. Canon Michael J. Horvath. Canon Michael will be happy to answer your questions or connect you to a member of the Church’s Finance and Investment Committee.

Planned Giving Confidential Reply Form
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* I/We:

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact The Rev. Canon Michael J. Horvath. You can reach him by phone at 401-253-7717.